Business Owner Divorce Attorney

Get help valuing your business during a divorce

Business Owner Valuation and Ownership Lawyer

Law Offices of Jeffrey M. Bloom | West New York

In the state of New Jersey, marital property must be divided equitably upon divorce. An “equitable division” does not mean assets and property are divided 50-50; rather, the court, taking into consideration the earning potential of both parties, their level of education, work experience, and other factors, will apportion marital assets in a way it believes is “equitable.” When there are substantial assets involved or one or both spouses owns a closely held business, what is equitable and what assets are considered marital property can be a complicated and delicate matter.


At the Law Offices of Jeffrey M. Bloom, we handle divorce cases involving closely held businesses. If necessary, we work with a forensic accountant who can locate or verify assets and help determine the value of a company. We represent clients who own businesses in Bergen County, Hudson County, across New Jersey, and West New York.


Business Owner Divorce Lawyers

Business owners have additional concerns when facing divorce. There are often complex issues, as a business can become such a large part of a marriage. If you are a business owner facing divorce, it is important to work with an attorney who can effectively protect your individual, financial, and business interests.


The Law Offices of Jeffrey M. Bloom assists clients in divorce and property division matters. We can work to protect your assets and guide you through the divorce legal process. Contact a Bergen or Hudson County business owner divorce attorney to learn more.

Bloom Law Office, West New York

Dividing a Business in Divorce

Attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom assists business owners in Hudson County, Bergen County and the entire region throughout the process of divorce. When a small-business owner is facing divorce, the following will need to be considered:

  • Determining how the business is structured (partnership, LLC, PLLC, etc.)
  • How the business was started (Was the business started before or during the marriage? How was the business acquired?)
  • The spouse’s involvement (Is the spouse an employee of the business?)
  • How the business will be run in the future
  • If a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement was drafted, we will look at the terms of the contract to see if business division was addressed.

Contact Jeffrey M. Bloom, Business Valuation Attorney

To learn more about business owners and divorce, contact our West New York office. We have been helping clients in family law matters since 1988, serving clients in northern New Jersey communities such as Englewood, and Teaneck. Call (855) 208-3650.

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