Child Visitation Attorney

Update your parenting time agreement

Child Visitation and Parenting Attorney

Law Offices of Jeffrey M. Bloom | West New York

Bergen and Hudson County Child Visitation Lawyer

When one parent receives physical custody of the children in a divorce, the other parent usually receives visitation rights. This provides for involvement by the non-custodial parent in the lives of the children. Often referred to as parenting time, visitation schedules work best when both parents cooperate.


At our law office, Jeffrey M. Bloom frequently works with the attorney representing the other spouse in visitation matters. Together we negotiate the visitation schedule based on our clients’ needs and the best interests of the children.


Modifying Your Child Visitation Agreement

A cooperative and reasonable approach to visitation matters saves clients time, money, and stress. During sessions with the other parent’s lawyer, our Bergen County attorney works to spell out the details of the visitation agreement. These details often focus on sharing or alternating holidays, special occasions, and vacations. To learn more about our approach to developing parenting time schedules for clients in Hudson County, Bergen County and across the state, contact our West New York law office.


Cooperative Development of Parenting Plans

Developing visitation schedules cooperatively allows for an outcome that works for everyone. When these schedules are imposed by a family court, they often work for no one. However, there are some circumstances where having the court involved in visitation matters is best for all concerned. We work with parents and the court to obtain supervised visitation in cases when the non-custodial parent has a history of drug abuse, alcohol problems, or domestic violence. In extraordinary cases, we have requested that the court deny an abusive parent child visitation rights. We work with child psychologists to be sure that any arrangements of this type will not damage the child.

When a parent’s circumstances change and he or she is unable to abide by an existing custody order, it is possible to modify the original parenting plan. This most frequently occurs when the parent moves out of the area, making it impossible to have contact with the child on the same basis. We petition the court for modifications of visitation orders so that both parents can continue their contact with the children, albeit on a different basis. For example, if one parent is no longer able to spend time with the child on a weekly basis, a modification may provide for lengthier vacation time. Because each situation is unique, we work with clients in these matters to determine what works for them and what is in the best interests of the children.

Contact Jeffrey M. Bloom Regarding Child Visition

To discuss child custody and visitation, contact West New York lawyer Jeffrey M. Bloom. He has been helping people with child visitation matters since 1988. Let us put his 25 years of experience to work for you. Our firm serves northern New Jersey communities such as West New York, Ridgewood, and throughout Bergen County and Hudson County.

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