9 Tips to Help Your Children Cope with Your Divorce

Contested Divorce Attorney | Jeffrey M. Bloom

All children react to divorce in their own unique way. Some children respond to the news that their parents are getting divorced by acting out. Others become more quiet and subdued than usual. There are also some children that don’t show any outward signs that the divorce is affecting them in a negative way. Regardless, children often need to learn new coping skills when they are dealing with the divorce of their parents.

The following 9 tips will help your children cope with your divorce:

  • Make a point to not say anything negative about your spouse in front of the children
  • Don’t fight with your spouse in front of the children
  • Spend as much time with your children as you can
  • Be as open and honest with your children about your divorce as you can without providing them with details they don’t have to know
  • Make sure you allow your children to spend quality time with their other parent during and after the divorce
  • Remember to have fun when you spend time with your children, even if you’re feeling stressed due to the divorce
  • Shield your children from matters that are too advanced for them to understand
  • Be available to your children if and when they want to talk with you about your divorce
  • Seek the help of a licensed family therapist or psychologist if you think your children need to talk to someone about the divorce

A divorce can be very difficult for parents and children. Jeffrey M. Bloom has been helping clients in the West New York area with divorce matters for over 20 years, and he can advise you on the important steps to take in order to make this traumatic time as easy on your children as possible.

Please contact The Law Offices of Jeffrey M. Bloom today to schedule a consultation. Mr. Bloom serves clients in the West New York area.

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