6 Things to Know before You File for Divorce

Uncontested Divorce Attorney | Jeffrey M. Bloom

The decision to file for divorce represents a major change in your life and should not be made without careful consideration. For individuals who are in an unhealthy or destructive marriage, divorce may help you embark on the road to a happier life. However, there are some important things you should be aware of as you contemplate this important decision:

One of the most important aspects of a divorce is the resolution of your financial partnership. You and your spouse will need to work together in an attempt to fairly divide all property and assets acquired during the marriage. New Jersey adheres to the philosophy of equitable distribution for all property division matters, which means that assets are divided in an equitable, but not necessarily equal, manner.

It’s common to experience strong emotions during a divorce. Anger, hostility, sadness, and frustration can be all-consuming throughout this process. It’s important to understand that these emotions can make the divorce process longer and more acrimonious if you’re unable to control them. Ultimately, lengthy and protracted litigation will result in more expensive legal fees. For this reason, you may want to consider going for professional counseling before and/or during the divorce in order to help you control these emotions and work through the issues to be resolved in a more amicable manner.

If you have young children, resolving child custody, child support, and other co-parenting issues can potentially be the most contentious and emotionally charged part of the divorce process. When working through these issues with your spouse, it’s important to always put the best interests of your children first and remember that both parents are entitled to maintain a meaningful relationship with the children after the divorce is finalized.

The state of New Jersey allows for “no-fault” divorces. In most instances, it’s best to file under no-fault grounds since the court will rarely consider fault when ruling on the issues related to your divorce, and pinning fault on one spouse will typically make the process more acrimonious.

While it may be tempting to try and represent yourself in order to save money on legal fees, we strongly urge you to hire an experienced divorce attorney who can help you navigate the important issues which need to be resolved. Working with an experienced lawyer will ensure your best interests are represented at all times, and it will typically result in a fairer divorce agreement that will be upheld by the court.

If you and your spouse are able to work together and resolve most of the important issues in an amicable manner, then you may want to consider mediation as an alternative to traditional divorce. Often, mediation can save you money and help you maintain greater control over the process.

Only you can decide whether filing for divorce is the right option for your unique situation. However, it can often be helpful to speak to a lawyer when evaluating your options. Jeffrey Bloom has been handling divorce and family law matters for individuals in the West New York for more than 20 years, and he can provide you with some perspective that may make your decision easier to make.

Please contact the Law Offices of Jeffrey M. Bloom using the form on this page or call (855) 208-3650 today to schedule a divorce consultation. Mr. Bloom serves clients in West New York, and throughout Hudson County and Bergen County, New Jersey.

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