Why Should I Hire a Parenting Time Coordinator?

New Jersey Car Accident Attorney | Jeffrey M. Bloom West New York

While it would be nice if all issues in a hotly contested divorce were truly put to rest when the divorce decree is finalized, this isn’t necessarily the case. If you have young children, you’ll need to interact with your ex-spouse on a regular basis to address child custody and co-parenting issues. If you and your ex-spouse are unable to get along, these interactions can become very contentious.

If you and your ex-spouse are unable to agree on co-parenting issues, you might still be able to avoid unnecessary litigation by working with a parenting time coordinator. A parenting time coordinator is a neutral third party appointed by the court to help you and your ex-spouse resolve parenting issues. In most instances, parenting time coordinators have either a psychology or social work background.

A parenting time coordinator serves two important purposes:

  • Assist you and your ex-spouse with co-parenting decision making issues and suggest potential solutions to your dispute
  • Teach you and your ex-spouse how to put aside your differences in order to work together and reach an agreement that’s in the best interests of your children

Working with a parenting time coordinator offers you some important benefits compared with choosing litigation:

  • Working with a neutral third party makes the process much more amicable than what occurs when you are constantly fighting in court.
  • Working with a parenting time coordinator is typically less stressful than litigation
  • Parenting time coordinators are able to be more flexible than the court since they are not bound by the parameters of the divorce agreement

In most instances, this environment can help you and your ex-spouse work towards a compromise and arrive at a fairer agreement that works better for all parties.

Keep in mind that you and your ex-spouse will be expected to pay for the cost of the parenting time coordinator. However, this cost is a fraction of what you’d spend if you choose to fight your dispute in court.

While Jeffrey M. Bloom is always prepared to take your case to court if necessary, he prefers to guide you towards a more amicable resolution to your dispute. If he feels that you and your ex-spouse may benefit from working with a parenting time coordinator, he won’t hesitate to recommend going that route before digging in for a long contentious fight in court.

If you need assistance with a child custody matter, please contact the Law Offices of Jeffrey M. Bloom using the form at the top right side of the page or call (855) 208-3650 today to schedule a consultation. Mr. Bloom serves clients in West New York, Ridgewood, and throughout Bergen and Hudson Counties, New Jersey.

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