5 Ways to Help Your Own Cause during Your Divorce

Divorce Attorney | Jeffrey M. Bloom

Going through a divorce can be one of the most difficult and stressful experiences of your life. In many instances, you will be forced to come to terms with your spouse on hotly contested issues, and adjusting to divorced life can be challenging, especially if you have young children.

Jeffrey M. Bloom has been helping individuals in the West New York area with divorce matters for more than 20 years. He understands how difficult the process is, and he is committed to doing everything possible to protect your best interests and help you move on with your life. But in order to achieve a settlement that reflects the best interests of you and your children, he needs a little help from you.

The following tips will help you place yourself in the strongest position possible during your divorce case:

  • Provide all necessary information in a timely manner — The paperwork in a divorce can be overwhelming, and it can take a long time to compile the documents and answer the discovery questions Mr. Bloom needs to handle your case. But it’s important to provide this information as soon as possible in order to ensure all deadlines are met and give Mr. Bloom sufficient time to build your case.
  • Don’t keep secrets — Mr. Bloom is on your side, and he will fight aggressively to get you the best settlement possible. In order to do this, he must understand all the issues upfront. Being honest from day 1 will allow Mr. Bloom to plan the right course of action to achieve your desired settlement, and it gives him an opportunity to perform damage control when necessary.
  • Maintain realistic expectations — Adjusting to life after a divorce involves some modifications of your lifestyle. If you’re going from a two-income household to a one-income household, you may not be able to afford all of the luxuries you used to, and you may need to downsize to a smaller home. This is especially true if young children are involved. By understanding this upfront, you and Mr. Bloom can work together to devise a strategy that will set you up for a successful transition to post-divorce life.
  • Don’t badmouth your spouse in front of your children — Divorce can be especially traumatic for young children. They love both of their parents, and they often don’t understand why the marriage is ending. Your children deserve to have a meaningful relationship with both parents, and it’s important that you encourage this. In addition, constantly bad mouthing your spouse in front of the children or attempting to sabotage the relationship between your spouse and your children can negatively impact your child custody battle.
  • Think before you act — Cancelling your spouse’s credit cards or preventing your spouse from accessing funds in joint accounts is a sure-fire way to incur the wrath of the judge. In addition, posting pictures of your luxurious Caribbean vacation on Facebook will make it difficult to claim that you can’t afford the alimony payments being requested by your spouse. Make sure you don’t let your anger get the best of you during this important time in your life.

There are many challenges that lie ahead as you embark on your divorce. Mr. Bloom will stand by your side every step of the way to help you through this difficult time. But the more you do to help him help you, the better the outcome of your divorce will be.

If you need assistance with a divorce matter, please contact the Law Offices of Jeffrey M. Bloom using the form at the top of this page or call (855) 208-3650 today to schedule a consultation. Mr. Bloom serves clients in West New York, and throughout Bergen and Hudson Counties, New Jersey.

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