Determining Child Support when Your Child Goes to College

When calculating child support, most parents in the middle of a divorce only think about present-day circumstances. In other words, parents often neglect to discuss what child support obligations will be when the children leave for college.

Unfortunately, when decisions are not made at the time of the divorce, they often lead to a need to revisit the topic years later. If you are divorced and your children are nearing college age, it’s a good idea to speak with Jeffrey M. Bloom to determine if child support obligations will change while your children are away at college.

If divorced parents cannot agree on child support for children who are enrolled at college, it may be necessary to bring the matter to court. The court will consider many factors, including the age of the children and whether or not the children are living at home and commuting to college or living near their college campus.

In many cases, child support ceases when the children reach the age of 18 or complete high school. However, the court may require the continuation of a child support obligation in some situations when children are older than 18.

If you are divorced and your children are of college age, it’s important to know your rights in terms of child support. If you are located in the West New York area, please contact The Law Offices of Jeffrey M. Bloom today to schedule a consultation.

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