Two Questions To Answer If You’re Thinking Of Divorce

Two Divorce Questions | Family Law Attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom, NJ

As everyone knows all too well, divorce is a difficult very emotional undertaking. It is something nobody wants to do. However, if you find yourself in a marriage where repair is not an option, weighing in on two important questions is essential.

New Jersey Divorce Is Expensive:

Don’t fool yourself, divorce is indeed expensive. Many estimate the cost of a divorce to be the financial equivalent of the median cost of a wedding. Once you have made the decision to move forward with a divorce, strategies such as committing to a strict budget, rebuilding your savings and trying to look on the brighter side of things will improve your situation as well as making you feel comfortable in moving forward.

Emotional Cost Of A New Jersey Divorce:

Money is one thing….happiness is another.

Anxiety, stress and living in a bad marriage can cause health and emotional damage that no amount of money can truly heal. Ask yourself, “What will my life look like 5 years from now, if I stay?” Only you can evaluate your own life and make decisions accordingly.

Remember that life is lived one time and money will come and money will go throughout that lifetime. Your happiness should come first. Divorce isn’t easy, however neither is a bad marriage. Ask yourself these questions and make a plan that will ensure you the happiness you deserve.

Contact Family Law Attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom | West New York, NJ

Jeffrey M. Bloom is a Family Law Attorney helping clients divorce in West New York, and greater New Jersey. Contact Mr. Bloom today to schedule a consultation and a case review -(855) 208-3650.

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