Reporting Injuries And Exposures To Workers’ Compensation

Reporting Workers' Compensation Injuries | Attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom

When dealing with workers’ compensation insurance, it is necessary that the employer contact their insurance carrier, or third-party administrator (TPA) as soon as they receive notice of a work related accident or occupational exposure. It is imperative that it be done quickly so that a “First Report of Injury” form can be submitted electronically to the State of New Jersey.

Within 26 weeks of the worker either returning to work or reaching maximum medical improvement, another secondary report must be filed with the state. This is called a, “Subsequent Report Of Injury.”

Should there be a dispute over whether or not the worker is entitled to benefits, the worker may file one of two claims; either a formal “claim petition” or an “Application for an Informal Hearing” with the Division of Workers’ Compensation.

Issues regarding the dispute may include compensability of the claim, the type and extent of medical treatment, and/or the payment of temporary and permanent disability benefits.

Workers’ Compensation Attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom

If you have questions regarding your disability dispute and need assistance in solving your workers’ compensation claim problems, please contact our team of experienced Workers’ Compensation Attorneys. We will help you through the complicated world of disability claims – (855) 208-3650.

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