Workers’ Compensation – How Long Will It take To Resolve?

Time To Resolve A Workers' Compensation Injury Case | Jeffrey M. Bloom

The Process of Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim in New Jersey

Although every case is different, New Jersey workers’ compensation cases generally take approximately one year or more to complete. Therefore, it is imperative to return all phone calls and letters sent to you in regards to your claim. Your prompt responses will facilitate the matter. Additionally, no case can even begin until the injured party has completed their treatment.

Once your treatment is complete, your case is initiated with the filing of a Claim Petition. Once the petition is filed, your employer will have approximately 30 days to file an answer. When the answer is filed, all parties will begin discovery.

Discovery is the process through which both sides exchange information necessary to prove or defend the case. Discovery can take several months. Typically, your employer’s attorney will serve interrogatories upon our firm. These are written questions inquiring about your accident at work. Again, prompt return of the answers will facilitate faster finalization of your claim.

After discovery, both sides schedule examinations. You will be required to attend one examination with the workers’ comp insurance doctor and another with your employer’s doctor. Keep in mind, when speaking with either doctor, do not minimize your injuries, symptoms, and complaints. Your complaints will play a significant part in the medical evaluation of your case.

Workers’ Compensation Attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom – Complimentary Consultations

As you can readily see, the procedure for resolving a West New York workers’ comp case is long and arduous. Without a doubt, it is very wise to hire a professional to deal with all the red tape and confusion that can be involved. The Law Offices Of Mr. Jeffrey M. Bloom are here to help. With our expertise in the area of workers’ compensation, we can guide you to getting what you deserve. Call Mr. Jeffrey M. Bloom at (855) 208-3650 for a complimentary consultation today.

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