An Introduction To A Collaborative Divorce

An Introduction To Collaborative Divorce | West New York Attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom

What a collaborative divorce offers is a needed alternative to the typical divorce process. Through a collaborative divorce, couples can reduce the tension and anxiety associated with multiple trips to the courtroom. They can also avoid the high price tag that comes with that process and get the help of skilled professionals to put together a mutually agreeable divorce agreement. While the collaborative option has its disadvantages, it’s worth considering for divorces that occur simply because couples have drifted apart. Individuals can get started on their new lives without carrying a hefty legal bill forward or hanging onto a lot of resentment and anger in the years to come.

While the collaborative option has its disadvantages, it’s worth considering for divorces that occur simply because couples have drifted apart. Individuals can get started on their new lives without carrying a hefty legal bill forward or hanging onto a lot of resentment and anger in the years to come.

What Exactly Is A Collaborative Divorce?

When a couple chooses to have a collaborative divorce, they work with lawyers and family professionals to handle the details of the divorce primarily through mediation and negotiation. The stress and strain of courtroom decisions are avoided. All Issues dealing with custody and financial responsibilities are decided without involving the court system.

Advantages Of A Collaborative Divorce

• Less Stress
• Professional Guidance
• No Courts Involved
• Less Expense

Disadvantages Of A Collaborative Divorce

• If Collaboration Doesn’t Work, The Process Must Start Over
• Possible Pressure Outside Of Mediation From One a Party
• Possible Less a Than Full Disclosure On One Party’s Part

Collaborative divorces are now being seen quite frequently in the New Jersey area. People want an alternative to the stress and costs related to divorcing. If the couple enters into a collaborative divorce with an open mind and a positive approach, it can be done very successfully.

West New York Divorce Attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom Can Help

If you are seeking more information about a collaborative divorce and need an experienced law professional, contact The Law Offices Of Jeffrey M. Bloom at (855) 208-3650.

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