When Children Live With Both Parents In Child Custody Agreements

Child Living With Both Parents in Divorce | Jeffrey M. Bloom, West New York

Parents have long been concerned about the long-term ramifications of, not only of divorce, but also the possible child custody decision to shuffle the children between homes. Essentially, this is giving the children two homes and moving them back and forth to be with each parent. To many, it just sounds like a dreadful idea, but a new understanding on the subject is taking shape.

Child Custody and Emotional Support

The Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health in Sweden regarding child custody recently conducted a study. After surveying 150,000 children between the ages of 12 and 15, the conclusion was that children that lived at one parents’ home permanently were more stressed than those living with both parents at different times of the week, month or year. Signs of stress included sleeplessness, sadness, and loss of appetite.

Many counselors and therapists concur that the reason for less stress among the group was the emotional support they were receiving. Nurturing and emotional support from both parents alleviates stress and dependency on just one person. A child’s social group, in this case, the parents, plays a vital role amounting to stress a child will have.

The study concluded that the children that are allowed visitation with both parents on a weekly basis were overall less stressed. Stable, consistent visitation with good co-parenting was the least stressful and did not cause undue stress, as many parents believe when a divorce occurs and child custody issues arise.

It is always vital and in the very best interest of the children that a child custody visitation agreement is established during the divorce proceedings. This ensures children have the emotional support they need from both parents at a time that it is crucial.

Talk with Child Custody Attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom, New Jersey

If you are going through a divorce and need some experience and knowledge behind you, contact Mr. Jeffrey M. Bloom. This is a difficult path and getting the right advice is essential. Jeffrey M. Bloom is a family law and workers compensation attorney specializing in divorce, child custody, child support, and alimony (855) 208-3650.

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