Are You Considering Divorce? Questions to Ask First

Are You Considering Divorce? Questions to Ask First | Jeffrey M. Bloom

If you are considering a divorce, many questions will run through your mind with one of the primary ones being “Am I doing the right thing?”

Divorce is a hard and challenging decision that can have an impact on your finances, health, children, and several other things that are often not realized until they surface.

One of the initial decisions that need to be made regarding divorce is whether or not you really want to take that step. In some cases, counselors and lawyers are not entirely in line with what you actually want. They may be hearing what you are saying verbally, but that doesn’t always mean you are truly ready to divorce.

There are all kinds of factors and emotions involved when considering a divorce so it is certainly not a decision that should be made hastily. It’s important to sit down and answer some fundamental questions that will help you to determine if this is the right path.

Here are just three essential questions that a couple might want to answer before moving forward with a divorce.

Did You Have a True Marriage?

Marriage is much deeper than living in the same home and buying a few items. It must be established at some point that there was a genuine partnership. In other words, you did not live together while still maintaining totally separate lives. If this sounds like you, there is a reason to argue that you were never truly married and that could be a signal that it is time to move on.

Are You Making a Clear and Non-Emotional Decision?

There are many instances where couples initiate the divorce process based on anger or some other emotion that does not allow them to make clear and logical decisions.

Are you fully considering the years of investment, your children, and finances?

This is a decision that you will need to live with for the rest of your life, and it’s important that you make it after weighing all the options. If the choice is being made during heated arguments, or after one party has been hurt in some way, there is a very good chance that the correct choice is not going to be made.

It’s critical that you can detach from your feelings and make a sincere decision about whether or not it’s time to leave your partner. Once you can do that, it will not only help to reduce the pain and anger, but it will allow you to move forward with a much-needed peace of mind.

Contact Divorce Attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom – West New York

If you are considering divorce, it is important to talk with a seasoned divorce attorney to fully understand your options. Mr. Jeffrey M. Bloom is an attorney practicing in the West New York. Contact Divorce Attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom at (855) 282-8386 and set up your appointment.

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