Ten Things to Do If Your Divorce Is Happening

10 Things to Do If Your Divorce Is Happening | Jeffrey M. Bloom, West New York

If you have carefully considered all potential options in saving your marriage and concluded that it is definitely over, there are some steps that you should consider as you move forward and contemplate a divorce.

Meet with a Divorce Attorney

Before you start down the road to divorce, it’s important to meet with a qualified attorney to discuss your rights and to ensure that you have a full understanding of the laws in your particular state.

Preserve Relationship Documents for Your Divorce

It’s important that you maintain copies of any documents connected to your married household. Some examples would be tax documents, mortgage information, bank statements, auto paperwork, retirement accounts, and anything else that could become useful during the divorce.

Track Household Budget

Keep copies of bills and statements that will help you establish the monthly budget for running your home. Make sure also to keep track of personal cash that you spend each month.

Inventory Your Home

Make a list of items in your home by either writing them down or making a short video.

Household Debt

Make sure to have an understanding of household debt as well as non-marital debt. The non-marital debt would be any debt incurred by your partner before the marriage.

Spouse Earnings

Know what your spouse earns. If possible, get a copy of pay stubs and keep them for your records. If your spouse is self-employed, you will want to record how much they earn for multiple months.

Weigh Your Earning Potential

If you have been responsible for raising the children over the last few years, it’s important to understand your ability to get a job and earn enough month to sustain yourself. This is often difficult for those who have been out of the workforce for an extended period.

Improve Your Credit

If you don’t have your own credit cards, it would be a smart move to get some and work on building your credit. If you have them, but the debt is high, do your best to reduce it before divorcing.

Save Money

You will need money for several things like hiring a lawyer and possibly establishing a temporary home. So, it’s important to start saving your money so that you will be able to handle these matters.

Make Your Children a Priority

Divorce can obviously be very tough on children so focus on making them a priority and protecting them from any heated arguments. Stay involved in their daily activities and make sure to maintain a positive environment as much as possible during the process.

Contact Divorce Attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom – West New York

Figuring out divorce, alimony, and child custody issues can be challenging for everyone involved. Mr. Jeffrey M. Bloom is an attorney practicing in the West New York. If you are going through a divorce, you need an experienced divorce attorney in your corner. Contact Divorce Attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom at (855) 282-8386 and set up your appointment.

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