Can I Still File for Workers’ Compensation If I Telecommute?

Telecommute and Workers' Comp Benefits | Jeffrey M. Bloom, New Jersey

The Digital Era has ushered an influx of virtual workers and telecommuters—many of whom are wondering if they still qualify for workers’ compensation coverage. It’s one of the most common questions asked at Bloom Law Office, and the answer is yes. Employers are required by law to protect their employees who are hurt “on the job” no matter where that might be. Just like an employee qualifies to file a claim if they get hurt while delivering a package for an employer, you’re probably covered if you get hurt while working from a home office.

A changing definition of “on the job” and workers’ compensation

The definition of “on the job” might be changing, but workers’ compensation coverage is keeping pace with today’s work environment. In some instances, it might be tough to pinpoint what “on the job” means. More and more people are working seemingly around the clock. Chatting with clients via email at midnight and sending proposals from coffee shops on the weekends? These instances may all qualify for a workers’ compensation claim.

Also, keep in mind that many injuries aren’t sudden trauma, but develop over time. For instance, carpal tunnel syndrome is a relatively common claim that’s filed by office workers. If you’re questioning whether or not you should file a claim, the answer is almost always yes. Waiting can cause significant issues with your claim. It’s always better to be safe and file a claim rather than risk a denial from waiting too long.

In the case of sudden traumatic injuries, such as a slip and fall, filing a workers’ compensation claim is critical to a successful claim. Hospitals and clinics are prepared to help you file these claims as part of the inpatient process. However, if this didn’t happen, a reputable workers’ compensation attorney like Jeffrey M. Bloom can quickly help you get this taken care of.

Contact Jeffrey M. Bloom For A Free Workers’ Comp Consultation

Remember that injuries aren’t always “obvious.” They can extend beyond physical trauma and include mental trauma, too. If you suspect you’ve been harmed because of your job, it’s time to check with an attorney and protect yourself. Call Bloom Law Office at 855-208-3650 today and find out more – we offer free workers’ compensation consultations.

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