It’s Summertime and the Workplace Injuries are Easy

It’s Summertime and the Workplace Injuries are Easy | Bloom Law Office

You can get injured on the job year-round, but there are certain workers’ compensation claims that peak in the summer months. No matter the season or type of injury, Bloom Law Office is your local workers’ compensation claim specialist. Hiring a workers’ compensation attorney who doesn’t get paid until you do is the best, fastest way to ensure a speedy payment. What kind of injuries can we expect to see more of around the corner?

Summertime Workers’ Compensation Claims

Hyperthermia is going to be at an all-time high. Also known as heat stroke, anyone who works outdoors or in an environment that cranks up the heat can be at risk. When the body is over-exposed to heat without proper breaks, it begins to shut down. Heat stroke can be deadly, but it is also easy to avoid and minimize your odds of suffering from it—unfortunately, not all employers make reducing your risk of heat stroke a priority.

Dehydration often goes hand-in-hand with heat stroke, but it can be a dangerous work injury in its own right. It’s one of the most common risks in summertime work, especially for outdoor workers. Lack of water and proper rest greatly increase your odds of dehydration. In many environments, such as road work, employees should look out for one another (but it’s still not an employee’s job to ensure dehydration doesn’t happen, it’s the employer’s).

The number of auto collisions increase in the summer as well. If you have to drive as part of your job or you’re working on roads and highways, it’s the season to practice extra caution. There’s an increase in construction in the summer months, making the roads even more treacherous.

Unsurprisingly, those who work in construction on the roadways report more injuries in the summer months. It’s the busy season, and all types of injuries from slips and falls to injuries related to machine usage skyrocket. Building construction and landscaping work also increases in the summer months, and this type of work already comes with a higher risk of heat-related ailments than many other jobs. From the duties of a lifeguard to that summer gig pedaling ice cream around town, if you get injured on the job call Bloom Law Office at 855-208-3650 and get your workers’ compensation claim started right away.

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