Workers’ Comp Claims Go Paperless in California

Workers' Comp: Paperless in California | Bloom Law Office, West New York

One of the many reasons filing a successful workers’ comp claim is challenging is that there’s so much paperwork. That’s also one of the reasons it’s always a good idea to have a workers’ comp attorney like the pros at Bloom Law Office on your side. Going digital won’t completely smooth out the process, but it might go a long way in making filing claims faster and more efficient while reducing double work. Only time will tell, as we keep an eye on California where a new software is being tested out this summer that lets patient treatment authorization forms get processed via electronic medical records.

It’s no secret that medical records, in general, are one of the last types of documents to go totally digital, and it makes sense. There are HIPAA laws to consider, and getting rid of hard copies can be risky business for an industry that handles so much sensitive information. However, not jumping completely on board with digitization also has many downsides—like the fact that workers’ comp claims still depend on mailed hard copies and faxes for most medical documents.

According to the California State Compensation Insurance Fund, commissioning the new software stems from everyone wanting to get approvals faster. State Fund is the second biggest workers’ comp insurance provider in California and specializes in serving both state workers and employees at private companies. The Chief Medical Officer for State Fund, Dr. Dinesh Govindarao, says, “If the system is more efficient and patient care is rendered faster, then folks are hopefully getting back to work sooner, and that will then really reduce indemnity cost.”

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It sounds like a great change, but there are sure to be unforeseen bumps and obstacles. Every new tech integration has a learning curve, and there are a lot of hands in this pot. However, it might be a sign of workers’ comp changes to come, and you might be seeing more digitization in the workers’ comp process in New Jersey soon, too. However, the best way to ensure quick and fair results from your workers’ comp claim will always be to work with a workers’ comp lawyer who doesn’t get paid until you do. Call Bloom Law Office at 855-208-3650 and schedule your consultation today.

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