I Have Child Support Payments, But Lost My Job…Now What?

Child Support Payments and Losing A Job | Attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom

Simply stated, the very worst thing you can do in a case involving child support is to do nothing. To ignore the problem will make the problem bigger and harder to solve. Each child support payment that is missed are added together and creates what is known as “arrears,” that you are ultimately responsible for. It is vitally important that certain steps are taken when you find yourself unable to take care of your child support responsibilities.

File a modification of support

If you lost your job or have experienced a change in circumstances, it is important that you file a “modification of support,” whereby, depending on your situation, you may be entitled to a reduction or even abatement of child support

Keep seeking employment

It is extremely important to show the court you are actively seeking employment. The courts frown upon parents with obligations to shirk them. Assess your skills and find work as soon as possible.

Take child support seriously

Failure to pay court ordered child support is serious. If you are found to be willfully ignoring child support when you have the ability to pay, you can be found in contempt of court, assessed all fines and fees and even be put in jail.

Do not wait

Act now. As soon as your modification order is filed, the sooner you will have relief.

Child Support and Custody Consultation with Jeffrey M. Bloom

Child custody and child support issues are extremely important and involved judicial issues. To have the correct information and a better understanding of your rights, contact a licensed, competent and well-informed family attorney. Contact the Law Offices of Jeffrey M. Bloom today to schedule your consultation with Divorce Attorney Jeffrey Bloom – (855) 208-3650.

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