Introducing Children to a New Significant Other After a Divorce

Parenting Time Attorney | Jeffrey M. Bloom Hudson County NJ

Moving on after a divorce is not always easy, especially when there are children involved. When it comes to introducing your children to a new significant other after a divorce, there are certain rights and restrictions to help make the transition a healthy one for everyone involved.

In many cases, introducing a child to a new partner, when done under appropriate circumstances, can be a healthy interaction and a logical progression; however, if you believe your ex-spouse is bringing someone new around your child and you feel it is not being done with care, you may be entitled to bring about legal restraints or stipulations. Likewise, if your ex-spouse is attempting to put unreasonable restraints upon your introduction of a new partner, you may be able to have them legally dismissed.

Generally, there are 6 factors a trial court will consider to determine the validity of placing restraints or terms on the introduction of a new partner:

  • How long the ex-spouses have been living separately
  • The age of the child
  • How long the parent and new partner have been dating
  • Whether or not the new partner is already known to the child
  • Whether or not the child has been introduced to other dating partners in the past
  • Any psychiatric, psychological or emotional issues the child has been diagnosed with that could require special consideration

If you have concerns about your child’s interaction with your new partner or a new partner of your ex-spouse, our West New York divorce attorney can help you take appropriate action. To schedule a consultation at the Law Offices of Jeffrey M. Bloom, call (855) 208-3650 today.

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