What is a Parenting Plan Modification?

What is a Parenting Plan Modification? | Bloom Law Office, West New York

Divorce becomes even more of a challenge when children are involved. The experts at Bloom Law Office work with you to create a number of plans to help you and your children through this difficult time, and this includes drafting parenting plans with your co-parent. However, these plans aren’t set in stone. They are designed to be changed and modified as situations and circumstances shift. A parenting plan modification is steps taken to change an existing parenting plan for the betterment of your child—and perhaps you.

It’s always easiest to work with your co-parent to modify a parenting plan. Parenting plans might be a number of legal documents, the most common being custody schedules and child visitation plans. Sometimes both parents agree to the changes, and a new plan is easily filed with the court. However, sometimes it’s not that easy. What happens if one parent wants to modify a parenting plan and the other digs in their heels?

Mediation Is Helpful When Altering at Parenting Plan

It’s always a good idea to have legal experts in your corner when undertaking any legal documentation change. Even if both parents agree, it’s still in everyone’s best interest to have a divorce or family attorney handle the paperwork. These experts can guide you through the often lengthy and complicated provisions required in custody change documents. They can also mediate between parties if the parents don’t agree on the modifications.

The most common reason one parent won’t agree is that they feel their time with their child is being shortened. This might happen if the other parent is offered a better job in another city or state. However, parent plans always put the child’s best interest first. If necessary, parenting plan disputes may be taken to a judge who will decide if the requested changes will benefit the child (i.e. a higher-paying job may be a great benefit to a child). If this is the case, the judge will declare a new parenting plan that’s still fair to both parents.

Family Law Attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom Can Help

These decisions take place during a custody hearing. You’ll definitely want legal representation throughout this process to ensure the judge clearly understands your case and perspective. Attorneys may curate new school schedules, evidence of relocation, doctor statements, and other documentation to support your case. Call Bloom Law Office today at 855-208-3650 if you or your co-parent is interested in modifying your parenting plan.

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