Workers’ Compensation Process to File a Claim: How a Lawyer Can Help You

Workers' Comp Process to File a Claim | Attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom

Many people mistakenly believe that a workers’ compensation claim is so easy to file, they can do it themselves. However, Bloom Law Office knows that having a workers’ compensation attorney working for you can help make the process faster, much less stressful, and possibly result in a fairer award. Whether injured or fallen ill because of your job, you are likely due workers’ compensation insurance payments. It’s the law, but how do you know your employer and the insurance company will do the right thing?

What Is Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation claims can be denied or settled for much less than full benefits. After all, insurance companies also have attorneys. When you have a workplace injury lawyer, you can focus on recovery and not the added stress of navigating regulations and bureaucracy while not feeling your best. A workers’ compensation attorney can process your claim forms and fight an employer denial on your behalf. Unfortunately, these denials do happen because employers aren’t eager to have a claim connected to them (even though they have workers’ compensation policies in place).

If you’re denied, an attorney can appeal that denied claim quickly. Sometimes, claims are denied multiple times before proper, full benefits are paid. The appeals process can be complex, and with every hearing, it can grow more formal. Plus, with a workers’ compensation attorney, you can help ensure that a pre-existing condition won’t hurt your claim. Pre-existing conditions are one of the most common ways employers can deny a claim.

With an attorney on your side, you can more easily see the doctor you prefer. Sometimes, a person is told that they can only see a certain doctor or a certain clinic—that’s not true. You’re entitled to a second opinion from a doctor of your choice. Independent physician assessments are an important part of assessing your health.

When hurt at work, a person has enough on their plate. Having an attorney fighting for you means your obligations can be met easier. This is especially important for serious injuries or injuries that take months or years to be addressed. If you fail to meet your obligations as part of the workers’ compensation claim, benefits can stop or be jeopardized. However, an attorney will keep your obligations on track.

Complimentary Consultation For Workers’ Compensation Injuries

From protecting your rights to ensuring a fair settlement, you deserve legal protection and help during difficult times. Call Bloom Law Office at 855-208-3650 for a complimentary consultation on workers’ compensation coverages. At Bloom Law, we don’t get paid until you do.

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