07 Jul Workers’ Compensation and Drug Addicts
Workers’ Compensation regulations have created unintended consequences…lifelong drug addicts. How does this happen?
In 1961, heart disease and stroke accounted for one-fourth of workers’ compensation claims. Today 53% of claims are related to back and psychological results of unresolved pain. Research shows the number of Americans on disability has skyrocketed in the last three decades.
Specifically, every month, 14 million people receive a disability check from the U.S. government. A significant factor in the number of claims and increased cost of these claims is the largely unreported link between injuries and drug addiction. It’s a vicious circle as doctors are prescribing pain medicine for the back pain and then in turn, the injured worker then claims dependency on the drugs. However, if treated properly, permanent disability could be avoided.
More and more workers are filing for disability due to back pain and then psychological distress the back pain has caused them. Back pain partnering with psychological disorders has become the trend in filing for disability. To help battle the cycle, experienced lawyers and medical doctors have combined their efforts to report exacerbated medical conditions.
Workers’ Compensation Case Review
Contact Workers’ Compensation attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom today if you’re faced with a workers’ compensation claim and would like a legal case review. We can help you navigate the complex issues of a claim, get you fairly compensated, and returning back to work should you be healthy. We help clients in West New York, and greater New Jersey.