Workplace Falls Account for the Greatest Number of Injuries While At Work

Workplace Falls Are Top Work Accidents | Jeffrey M. Bloom

In 2013, the costs of workplace accidents totaled nearly $62 billion. This number was slightly better the following year when the cost dropped to $59.9 billion.

The 2017 Liberty Mutual Insurance Workplace Safety Index tallied the top 10 causes of disabling workplace injuries. While overexertion claimed the top spot – accounting for 23 percent of all injuries and $13.9 billion in costs – workplace falls combined actually surpassed this number. That’s because the #2 and #3 spots were held by falls on the same level and falls to a lower level.

What the Workers’ Comp Data Shows

Falls on the same level accounted for 17.7 percent of total workplace injuries and $10.6 billion in costs. Falls to a lower level accounted for 9.2 percent of injuries and $5.5 billion in costs. When you combine these two fall categories, you get a total of $16.1 billion in costs and 26.9 percent of total injuries. Both of these numbers surpass the overexertion category.

Falls on the same level is actually increasing, while overexertion injuries are decreasing. If this trend continues, it may not be long before we see falls on the same level overtake the top spot.

This data should be concerning for companies, especially those who have had employees suffer from injuries involving falls. Safety needs to be improved in this regard so that fall on the same level can be decreased. When there’s a continual increase, something needs to be done.

Get Help for Your Workplace Injuries With New Jersey Attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom

A workplace fall can cause head trauma, back injuries and other serious injuries. You may be stuck with costly medical bills and lose out on work. If you have been injured on the job, the Law Offices of Jeffrey M. Bloom can help you file a claim. Schedule a free workers’ compensation consultation today by calling (855) 208-3650.

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